- Who are IMFA?
The Islington Managua Friendship Association. A big title for a small group. We have a core membership of about 6 with a couple more who help out at times. Most of us live in North London.
How do you raise money?
Any way we can! This has ranged from the “Riverboat Rhumba” when we hired a boat for a party on the Thames, to book sales to catering at concerts, conferences and private parties. Most of our income is now from “Sponsor a Teacher” – standing orders from 34 supporters. Money for improvements to the school has come from occasional donations from other organisations, regular Pub quizzes and recently, a guided walk along the New River.
- What is the money spent on?
Every penny of the Sponsor a Teacher money is paid to the teachers for their salaries. Other funds raised go on teaching materials, maintenance and improvements. In recent years we have funded the construction of 3 new classrooms, a block of toilets, a new roof, rendering and painting the outside walls and new doors. For the latest details see the News and Projects pages.
- How much goes on administration?
Nothing! We transfer money to Nicaragua through the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign (NSC). The Head Teacher, Ernestina, picks it up from the NSC office and the other teachers sign for their salaries and send us back the receipts. The small fees we pay to the NSC for the cost of transferring money and collecting receipts are met by the Trustees. All the work in the UK is done by volunteers.
Not enough. State Primary school teachers in Nicaragua receive around $188/month – the lowest rates in Central America. At the moment we send $1220/month. This has risen dramatically but is still not enough to pay 10 teachers a decent wage. The community and teachers have decided to divide it up so that they receive between $110-140 each. A very small amount is provided by the state and the parents make small voluntary contributions. Unlike in many schools it really is voluntary but our ambition is to provide all nine teachers with the equivalent of a state salary.
How much do the teachers get paid?
- YES. We achieved full charitable status on March 18th 2011. Before that we were recognised by HMRC as a charity for tax purposes. Through the GIFT AID scheme we can add 24% to the value of donations from tax payers.
You can join IMFA and help us raise money.
You can become a Sponsor.
You can make a one-off donation.
You can come to our next pub quiz.
You can book IMFAmous catering for your conference or party.
How can I help?